Mary and (the perfect) Beast

Mary and (the perfect) Beast

Monday, July 25, 2011

The things they don't tell you

So before I had Maggie, everyone was full of advice. I HAD to have a rocking chair, epidural, lamaze, etc. Everyone told me everything that would happen. Except the stuff that actually did and does.
Babies can have rear end explosions that will get all the way on top of their heads. Babies (some) will sleep through the night at 6 weeks.
Babies, and as I have learned, toddlers will ALWAYS poop when its time to go. Usally waiting until you are setting them in the car seat. This is also when the dog will run away.
Babies nap a lot.
They especially like to repeat bad words.
If they are quietly playing, it usually means something very bad is happening. Like writing on the wall, or the discovery of dumping something wet, stainable, or both, on the floor.
The best laid plans generally end in a bust, or crying. The crying is generally done by the child, but often the ma ma. Although in my case, my daughter calls me Mary more often then ma ma.
My point is, Maggie has given me wonderful life training.
As I sit here in my car in the pouring down rain, I will not count the minutes of riding I'm missing. I will not think about the baby siting money I have spent just to sit in my car staring at the barn.
I will think of my little angel sleeping in her little pack and play with her little toddler friends sleeping near by.
I will think of my little mares tucked safely in the barn. 30 feet from me.
I will remind my self of how lucky I am.
I will say hi to you. I hope you have a good day.

Mary Mack

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