Mary and (the perfect) Beast

Mary and (the perfect) Beast

Thursday, April 19, 2012


Yesterday started with a trip to Walkersville to teach Em.
She looked great as did her horse.
She participated in some torture exercises (as did all my students this week) and rose to the occasion.

Then off to Darenth to get the mares for a lesson with Stephen.
I could not have asked for them to be any better.
Callie sure does respond to the Back on Track products. That is one of the investments I have made that I am really happy with!
Beasty likes the products as well but can only stand the blanket for a few hours.

The mares jumped their hearts out for me. I had a very clear understanding of the two different approaches that I need to take with both mares. It worked great and I will be damned if my body wasn't starting to behave. I was actually staying (at times) where I needed to be so Beasty could do her job well.
I asked Stephen about the customary one rail I have been having with Beasty. It usually is the first fence (not really my fault, Beast just hasn't fully switched gears yet) or the in of a related distance. I often sit a bit early to put my leg on for the out and I cause a rail with her hind end.
The Beast is a very sensitive girl and over eager to please. I move an inch and she takes it literally.
Any way Stephen told me what to do differently, and I did it! It is so weird how that works!

It is also weird that I always spell weird wrong. EVERY TIME I TYPE IT.
I before E except after C is a LIE.

Today the Magster and I have a few lessons to teach at opposite ends of Frederick and Montgomery counties. Then flat rides for all three mares.

Tomorrow I am walking the courses at Redland a bunch of times. I am the rider rep and also am meeting students in the afternoon.

I am really excited for the up coming season. I might have my very own "Kim" now (super dooper awesome dedicated groom). Alexis has agreed to try out the role and will even be able to travel with me!
OK I am late so I am not spell checking.

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