Mary and (the perfect) Beast

Mary and (the perfect) Beast

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Back to business!

Home and feeling good!
I kicked the day off with heading out to see my Beasty Bear.
She was of course in the run in shed at Vanessa's.

Those of you that don't know Beast personally, don't know the extreme quirky and odd behavior that goes along with her.
Beast will not eat supplements. ANY kind of supplements.
No, not picky eater approved supplements from "Smart Pack".
No, molasses doesn't help.
No not sweet electrolytes.
Tried corn oil.
Tried just about everything under the sun and on the Internet.
This makes electrolytes an expensive endeavor. Rather then buying a months supply at like 28 dollars, I have to buy the dosing tubes and dose her.
Her lack of eating things in her grain was also interesting in her treatment of anaplasma. She was on 40 doxy twice a day. We tried dosing it in a giant syringe with a giant hole in the end.
That was a no go.
We tried the molasses. It didn't really work.
I got so desperate, I bought a coffee grinder but never made it that far because of the controversy about doxy's effectiveness after being ground. (Never mind that it probably would have been SUPER bitter then, but it could have been dosed.)
We finally found Applesauce and in LARGE quantities to be the answer.
The staff at Darenth also discovered that Beast would eat up if she was fed half her grain in the small feed tub put into her permanent corner feed bin. Then when she was done with that half, she would throw the small bucket across the stall, making the noise to demand her other half in her permanent feed tub.
This method was also combined with the method of all of her grain in her portable feed bucket placed in her permanent feed bin.
I do not know which is funnier, that they discovered it or that they were willing to do it.
Love them.

Beast also has a thing for blankets.
Or a thing against blankets.
She always has since I bought her.
When she has a blanket on, she HAS to be in shelter or a very small paddock (1 acre or less) or she freaks out.
If shelter is not available, she will run, and run...... and run.
She will sometimes accept a clump of trees as shelter but it seems she is being much more picky these days. Three walls or more is becoming preferable.
I have witnesses.
Lot's of witnesses.
I have not blanketed her the last few winters because I hate to see her so weird and stressed. This winter however, she is prepping to go to Aiken so clipping became a necessity.
At least with Beast spending her time out in the run in shed ALL DAY LONG makes her easier to catch.
She does peek out around the wall and watches the other horses.
It is kind of sad in a creeper sort of way.

Beast did feel amazing today.
I can't wait until my lesson tomorrow with Vanessa! I feel like I have new tools but I don't know what they are for, or how to use them.
Beast is awesome and I love her.

Callie was a good girl. She was not real thrilled about the crispy footing. She is a princess and likes to be pampered.

Summer was perfect and is tough.
She got lunged today. Every time I watch this horse go, I can not believe she is real.

Hannah and Val had an amazing lesson out in Walkersville.
I love them. I missed teaching them these last few months. Hannah's pony is super sensitive like Beasty.
I had Hannah work on the same concepts as I will be trying to perfect with Beast.
It was so cool to watch.
I swear I heard an orchestra. Beethoven. 9th symphony I believe, but my Internet is to slow to confirm.

Val looked amazing and her horse is super awesome.

Now I am making some Indian food and watching Cinderella with Dave and Maggie.
Tomorrow brings the farrier, riding, acupuncture, and some hot yoga.

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