Mary and (the perfect) Beast

Mary and (the perfect) Beast

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Busy Busy!

Yesterday was super Busy.
Beasty and Callie took a pause from their staycation to jump with Mr. Bradley in the clinic at A Bit Better farm.
Oh my gosh, it was so fantastic! It was one of those lessons that make all the craziness and hard work worth it.

Both mares were so perfect. Beasty was a bit wild from her super light week but jumping like a dream. Callie was happy and using herself and a love bug. She must be down with her new saddle and all the walk hacks! And the magic number 6/1. (June's a magic time for mares)

Then after the clinic, Magalicious had a little ride back at Darenth with Aunty Elizabeth supervising.
I taught Alison C while Maggie was riding. Alison rode our new horse Justin (Just-in time). They looked so great. A match made in Heaven.

Then Mr. Fabry jumped with out stirrups. He looked so good I kept forgetting he didn't have stirrups!!!

Little Piper practiced her canter rhythm and she sure looked good! She is so stinkin cute.

Katie C and her boy Willis had a bunch of little breakthroughs as they went along. Willis did some awesome floaty work.

I also worked Alexis and Packer for a little bit. Packer is really starting to come along in his flat work!

Today started well, it was also busy. Poor Dave was at work until 11pm last night and got up at 430 this morning to go back.
Maggie bear did not want to get out of bed this morning! She was half asleep while I french braided her hair. We started the trek to Dina's house in New Market, dropped her at 730 and started teaching Emily at Serra Valley at 8.
Em did a great job. We worked on finding the appropriate canter for each fence. She and Jazz are really coming along well and seem very well prepared for Senneca.
After a short drive, Heather had her lesson on her horse Bolter. Bolter was a sleepy head but was quite obedient! It was great to see!!!

Then I had the awesome treat of taking Summer to cross country school with Gretchen Butts! I really can not express how much I love riding with Gretchen. Her mind is so methodical and her teaching is so planned, structured, and knowledge filled. It is so nice to ride with her because I get so much from it. It is also so nice for the horses to have positive exposure at a busy farm.
Summer could not have been better. I love her.

Callie came along for a flat school and she also was a delight!
Callie will be going all over the place doing dressage lessons, shows and rides in fields and new or weird environments. Bye Bye bucky Callie, hello Callie scoring in the 20's.

Beasty has four days off and then she is going back to regular work.

After I was done with the mares, off to Olney I went and everyone there did so well.

Alex and his horse Duncan have come so far in such a short time!
Alex does such a great job with Duncan and Duncan was jumping out of his skin tonight. He looked amazing!

Super Rachel and her Super pony had a great go. Rachel keeps me on my toes as an instructor. I always come up with my lesson plan and she always makes short work of it. I have to think fast to keep up with her. Courtney always does this to me also. THEY ARE ON TO ME. :)

Lisa and her mare had a different ride then normal. Ella (the horse) was WAY more quiet then usual so Lisa got to work on her position and being really relaxed and it was neat to see.

Dave and I are going to have dinner and a movie now. Maggie bear is "in bed". She should be sleeping but she is up there chattering away.

Time to relax.

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