Mary and (the perfect) Beast

Mary and (the perfect) Beast

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Maria Teresa Toddler face

That is the name of my ego.
My friend named her ego and it sounded like a good idea.

If I name my ego, and give her a persona, then I can ignore her and tell her to go away.

Why this name?

Well, I will break it down....

Maria- My ego has a fiery side to her. Like a hot tempered puerto rican woman. I can picture my ego looking at times a bit like a friend I had growing up. She always knew when to take herself out of a situation before her "fire" would show up. Her "fire" was fast and furious.
I try to keep Maria locked up and hidden at all times. She has not made an apperance in years.

Teresa- Named after the insane bi%*h from "Real house wives of New Jersey". For those of you who have not landed on this channel and found yourself forced to watch, driven by morbid curiosity, I will explain Teresa.
She is crazy.
She argues and makes no sense and while she makes no sense she flails her arms around and her 4000 dollar bracelets jingle jangle together.
Then she turns red faced and stupid.

Toddler face- This is usually the part of my ego that Dave has to deal with. This is the "I am pathetic and never do anything wrong and the world is out to get me so I am gonna cry"........"Can I do it?"......"I do everything wrong and nothing right"......"I didn't do it"
Toddler face can switch from mad to sad in a minute. Toddler face is usually who comes out after a show that didn't go as planned.

Maria Teresa Toddler face often tries to tell me I shouldn't listen to good advice.
She tells me that I should not waste my time with things that are beneath me and that I am above a lot.Sometimes though she tells me though, that I am not good enough.

Now I know this is the part of the blog where it may just sound like the rantings of a crazy person.
What I am trying to say is Ego's make bad decisions and give bad advice.
If we make choices with our egos, and only ask advice from people who don't want to hurt our ego's then we are stupid.

We limit our selves and success.
Ego's don't like us to take chances because we could fail. But we can never make progress if we don't fail sometimes.

Anyways all I am saying is as I travel down this road of life. I am going to try to have Mary be present more and Maria Teresa Toddler face be present less.

I think it might make showing super fun.
Mary has a freaking good time at lessons. Maria Teresa Toddler face has been banished to the side lines to watch.

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