Mary and (the perfect) Beast

Mary and (the perfect) Beast

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Waredaca was the place to be!

Yesterday afternoon was great despite the heat!
Beast and Callie went early and we enjoyed our flat lessons with Mara Depuy.
Mara will be at some of the bigger shows I have coming up so between her and Stephen I will finally have a plan for warm up coaches! Yay!!
I wanted to stuff Vanessa in my suitcase for the big overnight shows. All though she would fit quite easily, I don't know that she would like it very much. Her 10,000 students and two barns would miss her an awful lot.
Summer is trying to challenge me for saying Callie is the bravest horse I have ever sat on. I <3 Summer.
Kari, Allison, and Hannah looked great and worked on their various tasks. Knickerbocker was not a fan of the warm up area.

The next few weeks/months are going to be busy ones.

Summer is going to Waredaca unrecognized this weekend. So is Alison, Hunter, and Alex. Beast and Callie will also be going to Waredaca to do some schooling tests.
Kari will be going to Surefire the day before.
Next weekend will be my clinic (Yayyyy)  and trailering out on Sat for some more lessons.

Then it's Loch Moy! It is crazy how fast everything is moving.

I am going to work on my two mares flat work double time.
Summer is pretty straight forward on the flat. Well, who am I kidding.....She is naturally perfect so if I have her attention, then she will earn 8's and 9's on her own.
I am going to be doing a lot of lessons with a lot of people but I am starting to feel a plan that works the best with both Mares.

My jumping work will center around Stephen through the end of August where Beast is aiming for the CIC 2*.   Stephen is going to be in the area a lot and I have known him for so long, I am comfortable and familiar with his ideas, plans and road to get to those plans.
Stephen also knows my horses most intimately of all the people I ride with. Whether he likes it or not.
I will be lucky enough to also sneak in a few lessons with Sharon White and Jimmy Wofford. I miss Sharon terribly. I am so thankful that Kelley Williams and A Bit Better Farm (WHO JUST GOT NEW AND IMPROVED FOOTING!) has Sharon come there regularly. I really enjoy riding there and with my friends there!

I feel like I am really ready for a lot of the stuff that Sharon and I have talked about and I am trying to get Callie where she needs to be to most benefit from my lessons with Sharon.

Broke. Callie needs to be more broke.

I will try to ride with Mara as much as possible before Millbrook and Richland. I want to have her familiar with my horses. This will maximize the benefit of warm up help at the shows.
It is also best to ease people into my personality. I try to talk as little as possible in the first few meetings.;)

I will of course be riding with Vanessa. That is a given.
I will also be scooting over to Fred Weber's for some dressage work.

I get around.

I am happy to be learning so much. The things that don't work for me often work for my students.
I take many lessons for the knowledge and ability to share that knowledge the best way that I can.

I am aware that I think differently then everyone else. I have always had to find creative ways to understand generic concepts. I have the desire to be accommodating to every student and the special way that they learn. I love teaching so much and I will never stop trying to be a better instructor.

I find it interesting that I seem to have settled with three instructors for flat and jump.
Both groups of three seem to have two opposite teaching styles and then one in between.

I am so happy to do what I do for a living.
I am thankful for all that are a part of it and make it all possible.

It has been a really great week and I am looking forward to all that is coming up.

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