Mary and (the perfect) Beast

Mary and (the perfect) Beast

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

No really, it's not you....

It's me.

I have been working on my homework.
I did my exercises to work on Callie's straightness.

One of my students has a horse that crank's off to the right on take off (like Callie), so I paid close attention to her. I will be damned if that little left leg wasn't just doing it's own thing. Much to the owner of the left legs dismay, it was kicking with out her knowledge.
We took her left spur off and her horse went straight as an arrow.

I always struggle with my body and it's straightness. (My parts have a mind of their own sometimes also) I think part of it comes from an old hip injury.
Anyways, I took off MY left spur and when I did, Callie was as straight as an arrow herself!
More then that, she was happy.
No ear pinning, kicking out, etc.

So this prompted a whole new train of thought...
I remember when one of my friends went to start dressage lessons with Mara.
The first thing they worked on was her not using her spur so her horse wasn't hollowing against it.

Listen, learn, don't have an ego, and screw any "noun" that isn't worth it.

I took Callie and Beasty to Vanessa's today.
The angels sang.
I needed this day.
Callie is becoming so strong, we really got some amazing work from her.
I rode with no spurs and she was happy as a clam. She actually had better upward transitions, I think because she wasn't bracing.
Now am I saying I am going to stop using spurs? No
I just think it is fascinating that taking a tool away, is a tool in itself.

Beast shook a brilliant tail feather today.
It took a few minutes for us to loosen up, but I had the most amazing work out of her ever.
It was brilliant, to know that that is indeed in there.

I love my mares. (And other peoples mares).....

Summer is planning on doing a schooling show in October.
She was pretty excited when she found out, but she is to cool to act like it.
She just acts like she doesn't know.
We will see how she feels on the big day.
I expect big movement with a dash of "whinny".

Hunter, Hannah, and Ameriah looked good yesterday. They had a torture, I mean dressage lesson. Then they did work with no stirrups. Piper (7) supervised, along with Hannah's mom (who travels with banana peppers and empty snake eggs), and Hunters mom (who likes to give sleepy toddlers ponies that look like lions).

This evening Pipe's is practicing dressage and Willis is going to get a little work.

Tomorrow is Maggie and Mommy day.
Then T Gordon is taking a lesson in the pm.

For those of you with monoflap jump saddles that want a BROWN schooling girth like the ones you can get for regular saddles?
Check this out...
I found it!!!!
I ordered a brown short "Tokalat" girth for schooling.
Persistence pays.

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