Mary and (the perfect) Beast

Mary and (the perfect) Beast

Thursday, December 29, 2011

come together...

I had an AWESOME lesson with Sharon yesterday!
If by AWESOME you mean flopping around like a fish, and crying the last 15 minutes and not only feeling like your drunk, but also expressing it to your instructor. All though I believe my words were "I feel like I am hammered."
I have been sick. Not real bad, just like a head cold. Then it turned into a chest cold.
Then it turned into taking a lot of medicine and going to a lesson with Sharon White.
The lesson started out really well. Beast was happy and a rock star. I had to take off my spurs!
Then I started to come undone. Literally. I just flopped all over, all while hanging on my poor horses mouth for balance. The bad news (for me) is, she just jumped higher to try to do her job despite my disastrous riding. The worse news is, I just kept thinking I sucked and started to cry like a two year old that just got its toy taken away (bad....very bad).
So Sharon being wonderful as she is put the jumps down to see if I could balance better. Not so much.
Well then, she pointed out my balance was a mess.
I paid for my two lessons but loaded Callie and Beasty and drove out of there. At that point, I would have fallen off if I had tried to ride Callie.
I guess I am not one of those people , that can carry on no matter how they feel.
I am more one of those people who shuts down, pulls the blanket over my head and wakes up drooling to Lifetime movies in the background.
I definitely am not good at acting like a stable individual when sick. (Normally I am pretty good at pretending to be a stable individual :)
The funny part (although I am not to the funny stage yet) is Beast had the time of her life last night. Poor thing.
The good part was that Kelley, and Kim were there to soften the blow to my ego.
Kim assured me that I looked like a mess and I don't normally. I especially liked the "I don't normally" part.
Well we are suppose to be leaving for Michigan now and my arms are feeling like jello from typing this.
I should go nurse my man flu.

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